Being "passionate followers of Jesus", and leading others to be is essential to our mission. But what does that mean?
We are called to be disciples, to be apprentices after Jesus, following the spiritual practices demonstrated throughout scripture. Our hope is that we would be a community committed to these rhythms not out of obligation, but passionately in response to the incredible things God has done in our lives and continues to do through us.
Our aim is that everyone at Immanuel would be walking with Jesus, gathering for worship, growing in a community group, expanding in knowledge and skill, sharing in the work, and engaging in the mission.
As we follow Jesus, it's important to regularly stop and take some time to assess how we're doing.
Why don't you take some time today to take a self-assessment in order to figure out your next step?
We believe that Christian baptism is the immersion in water of a believer into the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; that it is the direct command of Christ; that it shows forth the believer’s union with the crucified, buried and risen Christ, and his death to sin and resurrection to a new life.
The members of this church agree to strive, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to support the ministry of this church faithfully with their attendance, their talents, their abilities, their finances, and their prayers and to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrine.
We believe every person has been gifted to serve others to build up the church and advance God's Kingdom. As we serve, we also learn and grow individually and alongside of others